The connection between our thoughts and our mood is a straight line
A straight line to where, you wonder?
Answer: to the dark side of town.
I mean, come on, ever notice how often, when we’re in a meh mood, we binge eat salad? Or, how frequently we feed our anxiety or depression steamed kale?
Um, never.
What if, unconsciously, our mind (a.k.a. our inner-dialogue, thoughts, theories, and beliefs) knows that the more it manif*cks with us and our dreams, the more likely it is going to get rewarded. Rewarded? Yep. Think about it: if you’re thinking shitty thoughts and in a mood, isn’t your head already plotting its hall pass –whether it’s an extra drink, a smoke, a second helping, a dessert, passing on a party or a workout, or all of the above, etc.?
Yes, our mind has a mind of its own. But what if our mood was simply an indicator of what’s going on in our minds and a byproduct of our thoughts, period? It is.
Uh oh is right, and our plight.
Manifesting is an inside job
Twenty plus years of coaching humans later, there’s nothing I know to be more useful than trailing our own inner dialogue. If we’re not tracking our own thoughts, how would we know what we’re projecting and unconsciously manif*cking and potentially proving or causing?
We couldn’t. We wouldn’t. And, subsequently, we don’t.
Mastery over your mind comes from the learned ability to choose what is best for you to think AND feel. To get your own hands back on your life’s remote control and press mute when your mind messes with what matters most to you.
Namely, your dreams.
In areas where you’re happy, I promise you, your inner dialogue, thoughts, theories, beliefs, and mood are great and you act accordingly. If you’re excited to see your partner, you bring flowers. If you feel great in your body, you feed it well, you head to the gym, you sign up for a marathon, etc. But in areas where you’re not proud, happy, or inspired, you’re being a bit of a manifarquaad.
[What?!! It’s a Shrek reference, sorta!]
You’re thinking: so and so is never going to call you back, or you’ll never find your partner on any of these godforsaken dating sites, or your teen will never turn out, or your mother will never {fill in the blank}…and guess what happens? Your actions dance with your thoughts, put you in a mood, and your worst thoughts get proven accurate.
This is why I have my clients keep a thought log. I have them write down their thoughts 3x a day, not to see IF they have a dark side, because OF COURSE they do; I have them write their thoughts down in order to see just how much their inner dialogue is running amok and the results it’s actually causing. Because until we confront what our minds are actually doing for a living, we are in the Matrix [look it up youngins!] and we haven’t taken the pill.
Hacking into our inner dialogue is the pill.
Once you incriminate your head and fully see the C it’s trying to get you in any area of your life where you’re fearful, you can deal with it head on. You can put in the right promises to quiet it and even redirect it, so that ALL of you — your mind, body, and heart — are fighting for the same end goal: your ACTUAL dreams unf*cked, manifested, AND realized.
So, given that you = human, and according to science, 80% of your thoughts are negative and repetitive. Repeat after me: Check your mood. It’s a litmus test for your thoughts. Stop, drop, and roll when you catch yourself manif*cked up.
P.S. Inner.U is a 12 session online course that gives you the tools to hack into your own life, hone your dreams, and have every last thing you want in the areas that matter most to you: CAREER, MONEY, LOVE, TIME, FAMILY, and HEALTH. Do this life thing better from wherever, whenever.