I have a confession. I used to be a chronic complainer.
I used to complain about being tired, having too much on my plate, my kids, my husband and my job. I believed complaining was actually helping my situation. At least I was focusing on my issues! The problem was, complaining didn’t give me resolution and it brought everyone else around me down.
I knew it was out of hand when my husband finally asked me to stop.
So I made him a promise. My promise, which has greatly affected me personally and professionally, was to BE happy with my life.
Mind you, on the inside I thought things were pretty good. You just wouldn’t think so by hearing me talk about it. Part of the story: I didn’t want to let anyone know that things were going well, lest they stop trying to please me, or try to give me something else to manage. Being unhappy and complaining about little stuff was a way to hide, control and stay small.
I sincerely wanted to change, but I didn’t know how. I had been this way for much of my adult life. I looked deeper at the things I complained about and the way I felt when I complained, and areas of my life where I wasn’t as happy as I wanted to be. Instead of expecting others to please me or playing the victim so that I could control or blame other people, I came to a huge realization. I had to work at pleasing myself and showing it.
Here’s how I did it, and how you can do it too.