How Negative Thoughts Hurt Us
You might have heard the stats: According to science, the average human has about 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day. Of those thoughts, guess how many are inspiring, dreamy, and original?
Not many. This means that you have to know how to stop negative thoughts if you’re ever going to get what you want. And not just think about it. Actually get it.
Turns out, a whopping 80% of our thoughts are not only negative, but 95% of them are also the exact same thoughts as the day before. Let me repeat that. Oh, right, no need. No wonder so many of us have such a hard time imagining our highest ideals or dreams for ourselves, let alone manifesting them! We are much too preoccupied with manif*cking them!
Mani-what-ing them?
If you don’t already know what manifesting is, or don’t know what we mean by manif*cking (primarily, because we made it up during a FB Live), here’s the difference between the two:
Manifest [man-uh-fest]
The act of causing something or bringing a specific result to fruition by thinking, feeling, and acting in accordance with a vision for what we want, no matter what our desire is – from a parking spot, to a lover, to a new job, to a vacation, etc.
Manif*ck [man-uh-f*ck]
The act of thinking about the future and envisioning being screwed. To project, so much so, that you get yourself into a mood and unconsciously prove your projections, thoughts, theories, beliefs, and mood to be true. So much so, you think you’re having a premonition vs. a manif*ckation.
So according to us, if you’re a human, whether you’re a New Age-y one or not, whether you rolled your eyes at the secret to The Secret’s secret or not, there’s no getting out of your imagination or your inner dialogue.
The Connection Between Our Thoughts and Our Mood Is a Straight Line
A straight line to where, you wonder?
Answer: to the dark side of town.
Ever notice how often, when we’re in a meh mood, we binge eat salad? Or how frequently we feed our anxiety or depression steamed kale? Um, never.
What if, unconsciously, our mind (a.k.a. our inner-dialogue, thoughts, theories, and beliefs) knows that the more it manif*cks with us and our dreams, the more likely it is going to get rewarded. Wait, rewarded? Yep. Think about it: if you’re thinking shitty thoughts and in a bad or dark mood, isn’t your head already plotting its hall pass – whether it’s an extra drink, a smoke, a second helping, a dessert, passing on a party or a workout, or all of the above, etc.?
Our mind has a mind of its own. But what if our mood was simply an indicator of what’s going on in our minds and a byproduct of our thoughts Guess what? It is.
Uh oh is right, and our plight.